Posts Tagged ‘dance moves’

Animal Collective – ‘My Girls’ Official Dance Moves

January 15, 2009

As part of my attempt to break free from traditional reviewing formats I will now show my appreciation for the frankly fucking spectacular new Animal Collective album ‘Merriweather Post Pavillion’. I will do this by publishing some dance moves to their song ‘My Girls’.

These moves have been painstakingly choreographed by me using a team of highly trained dancers from the Adamsdown & Splott National Ballet.

I think I can safely refer to these as the ‘official’ Animal Collective dance moves until such time as I am requested to desist, or Animal Collective release their own officially-endorsed moves.

I hope they will enhance your enjoyment of the song, and the album.

[Legal: Pagan Wanderer Lu accepts no responsibility for injury sustained whilst using these moves]